Neighborhood Tools

You can help to influence your block with these neighborhood tools.

Tree lined streets and a litter-free neighborhood benefit everyone. It empowers your community, boosts the economy, increases health and safety, protects the environment, and attracts visitors.

Adopt a Sidewalk Trash Receptacle

At no cost to you, trash receptacles for the sidewalk are now available for you to adopt. If you choose to adopt a can, all we ask is that you empty it once a week or more and place the bag(s) out with your own trash.

Supply is limited, if you are interested or have questions about the program, please contact Lancaster City Alliance at or 717.394.0783.


Lancaster City Alliance encourages residents and business to Adopt-A-Block. Street sweepers come by every two weeks, so picking up litter around your home or business is a great way to keep things looking good in between their work. If we all chip in, we can easily improve quality of life in the City. Adopting a block is free to anyone who wants to participate, and the City provides a free street sign, trash bags, and work gloves. You can set your own clean-up schedule as long as you meet the minimum requirement of cleaning up four times a year.

To Adopt-A-Block you can contact the Lancaster City Alliance at or 717.394.0783.

Trees for Your Street

Trees are an important part of the continued growth of Lancaster City. The National Arbor Day Foundation reports that neighborhoods are enhanced by the simple act of planting trees. Studies have shown that street trees stimulate healthy development, promote walkability, attract shoppers in commercial districts, and result in apartments being rented more quickly. Trees also reduce air conditioning costs, lessen pollution, muffle noise, increase property values, and absorb storm water.

Find out out more, contact the Lancaster City Alliance at

Find out more, contact the Lancaster City Alliance at or 717.394.0783.